Product Elements
Product Wrapper
Don't forget to connect the data-id attribute with the CMS (you can delete this text block element).
Product Page Example
Product title
This is some text inside of a div block.
Product description here
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Products in stock:
Product Price
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Add to Cart
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In Stock Wrapper
Use it to show the In-stock label (you can delete this text block element).
Out of Stock Wrapper
Use it to show the out of stock label (you can delete this text block element).
Current variant is Subscription
Use it when your current variant is subscritpion (you can delete this text block element).
Current variant is NO Subscription
Use it when your current variant is NO subscritpion (you can delete this text block element).
Variation Stock Quantity
Product Images Slider
Discount Percentage
Images Thumbnails
Product Card
Complementary Product Wrapper
Don't forget to connect the data-parent-id attribute with the CMS
Media Slider
Product 3d Models